Supporting healthcare institutes
Professional peer-reviewed content for nursing students, written by experts in nursing
Support your nursing students with access to RCNi academic content to support them in their studies and provide the clinical and patient care skills needed for moving into practice.

RCNi Journals access
Access Nursing Standard and all RCNi’s specialist nursing journals from Cancer Nursing Practice, to Nursing Children and Young People with optional full unlimited access to archives. Industry standard access and usage reporting is fully supported. RCNi’s journals offer up-to-date practice, guidance, advice and study materials, and are the best way to provide support for your nursing students.

RCNi Portfolio
Give your students a head start with access to RCNi Portfolio. They can document and store their learning, reflective accounts and notes as they prepare for a career in nursing, and get ready for moving into practice and revalidation.
RCNi Portfolio
Give your students a head start with access to RCNi Portfolio. They can document and store their learning, reflective accounts and notes as they prepare for a career in nursing, and get ready for moving into practice and revalidation.

RCNi Learning
RCNi Learning’s extensive library of more than 170 learning modules is highly relevant for aspiring nurses. Expertly written, peer-reviewed and interactive content is designed to enhance your students’ learning, and covers fundamental clinical skills, procedures and latest best practice to improve their patient care.

Bespoke packages
RCNi can help you create bespoke packages that reflect the requirements of your healthcare courses and your students’ needs.
Bespoke packages
RCNi can help you create bespoke packages that reflect the requirements of your healthcare courses and your students’ needs.

Discover how we can help you
For more information, please contact us