Email solutions
Deliver your brand to the nursing community
Engage and connect faster with healthcare professionals through targeted email campaigns

third-party opted
in healthcare professionals.
subscribers to our daily e-newsletter
UK healthcare professionals receive our daily newsletters.
average solus email open rate
average clickthrough rate
Online options

Therapy solus email
Targeted email marketing can help your organisation reach nurses working in specific therapy areas. We offer the opportunity for you to engage with more than 48,000* opted-in nurses.
*Healthcare professionals opted in to third party emails
Nursing Standard daily newsletter
RCNi delivers daily emails to our entire subscriber and registered database – an audience of more that 82,000* nurses nationwide. The newsletters contain the latest news and developments alongside features and clinical content from our journals. MPU and leaderboard positions are available to sponsor in newsletters sent Monday to Friday. The average sponsored e-newsletter has a 28% open rate and 3.7% click-through rate (August 2024)
*October 2023 averages

Nursing Standard daily newsletter
RCNi delivers daily emails to our entire subscriber and registered database – an audience of more that 82,000* nurses nationwide. The newsletters contain the latest news and developments alongside features and clinical content from our journals. MPU and leaderboard positions are available to sponsor in newsletters sent Monday to Friday. The average sponsored e-newsletter has a 28% open rate and 3.7% click-through rate (August 2024)
*October 2023 averages
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